Refresh Hypnotherapy, Sheffield UK - Relax into Freedom
Hypnotherapy usually feels very restful and pleasant and leaves you in a positive frame of mind. Through therapeutic support and focussed relaxation, it is used to help people gain mastery of their thoughts, feelings and actions and move into a freer way of being. Hypnotherapy involves becoming absorbed in a relaxing visualisation where you focus on pre-agreed positive suggestions towards healing or a life goal.
When focussed and at ease, it is possible to release the power of our innermost mind to develop new skills more easily - to help us conquer a fear, shake a habit, release creativity, cope with pain, and gain greater self-esteem and confidence. You will focus on overcoming triggers and work towards your ideal outcome. To strengthen the work you are doing, you may benefit from self-hypnosis, recordings or practice between sessions.
Although each session can be beneficial, the optimum amount of sessions is very personal to each client. This can be between 4 and 6, possibly more for a complex or deep-seated issue. However many you book, I advise weekly sessions so the changes you are working towards stay fresh in your mind as you build a robust new perspective.
Our first session is dedicated to talking things through so I can understand what is happening and tailor your hypnosis scripts exactly to your needs. I will embed your own words and phrases about your situation and goals into each hypnotherapy session to help you achieve your desired outcome, and create visualisations based on your preferences. Regular feedback from you closely informs our ongoing sessions to enable you to be peaceful, relaxed and confident throughout and successful in the work you are doing.
I offer adults hypnotherapy for: freedom from fears, phobias, nerves and habitual behaviours; confidence building for life’s changes and challenges; relaxation techniques for birthing, medical procedures and pain management techniques; and social anxiety and other anxiety triggers. Hypnotherapy is a complementary therapeutic treatment, so I cannot treat medical conditions or any physical underlying cause of pain.
If you’re not sure, just ask. I welcome any queries about hypnotherapy and how I can help.
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“I really enjoyed this and was deeply relaxed, losing track of time and focus on the words as I got very absorbed in the imagery. The phrases made it really magical for me, and I loved the language of drifting and floating. The suggestions we agreed on are really helping me change the way I react.”
“The time went fast for me and I enjoyed the waterfall visualisation. I zoned out in the middle and all went quiet. It was so relaxing and peaceful... I was in a lovely place, and I’ll remember that by the lake whenever I want to practice the new way of thinking.”
“I liked the language, it was really pleasant to get lost in a story. Ruthie’s tone and pacing were perfect for me to deeply relax really easily. Coming out of it and through the door felt really natural, like coming out of a daydream, and I felt so rested and positive afterwards.”